‧ No written or printed out material left on the workspace. This includes both confidential material, excluding Published Periodicals, Journals, Manuals, and Books; Printed material from Published Periodicals, Journals, Manuals, and Books that are bound in either a binder or stapled; Commercial CDs & DVDs; Family Photos; Certificates of Achievement, Awards, Degrees; Mementos; Calendars ; Business cards; Posters or flyers; Blank memo pads and blank notebooks;
‧ No personal communication or computing devices (e.g. cell phones, pagers, PDAs, Blackberrys);
‧ No Portable Media (CD's, diskettes, DVD's, tapes, drives, etc…);
‧ No Keys left in any accessible location within premises;
‧ No cabinets or drawers left unlocked which contain any item from items 1 - 4;
‧ Clean white boards of all confidential information;
‧ Computer screens locked when leaving desk at the end of work day. A password protected screen lock should be set that is automatically activated within 30 minutes;
‧ Notebook PC's secured with cable lock during day and either taken home or locked in drawer/cabinet overnight;
‧ Tumble the password of cable lock if it's not connected to a laptop. The combination number should not be visible at anytime;
‧ All confidential or sensitive information must be picked up from printers and fax machines within 30 minutes of printing.
‧ Mailbox should be locked all the time.
‧ No tailgating.
‧ Badge should be displayed all the time.
在這裡資安真的管很嚴:內網不能上外網、外網有鎖USB port、要灌防毒軟體、每週要做安全性檢查、離開位置螢幕要上鎖、不能遺留任何文件在桌上、櫃子要上鎖、不能遺留手機在桌上、不能遺留CD和DVD在桌上...等,總之桌上不要放東西就對了。而且每次進門都要刷卡,不能尾隨別人進入。規定挺多的,只要違反規定就會被警察開單,累積三次有機會和台灣區的副總裁見面 XD
